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Public:START in collaboration with LAILA

After six months of successful collaboration, the Public:Start consortium is now looking to share its vision with like-minded projects. As a first step, project manager Arne Ortland (Domhan Vision) joined the Kick-Off Meeting of a promising ERMASMUS+ project ‘LAILA’.

Its title translates into ‘leadership for educational innovation in businesses and public and private organizations’. The EU project comprises a total of 34 selected leaders of companies and public authorities from four countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland. The project seeks to explore the impact of Emotional Intelligence (EI) on leadership performance in public and private institutions and translate its findings into innovative educational materials.

Emotional intelligence (EI) has been studied intensively during the past several decades, particularly its application in the workplace. Several studies indicate that EI abilities account for more than 85% of the difference between effective leadership and a non-effective leaders’ performance. There is also growing evidence that an increasing number of public and private organizations are benefiting from targeted EI competence training.

With this new perspective, Public:Start and LAILA are sharing an opportunity to jointly develop innovative training materials which aim at fostering emotionally intelligent leadership infused with new entrepreneurial skills.

The Public:Start consortium is looking forward to fruitful cooperation!

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